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Looking back at Social Media in 2022

2022: the year Elon Musk completed a $44 Billion deal to buy Twitter, Cristiano Ronaldo left Manchester United but still reached No. 1 on Instagram with 526 million followers, Nasa’s infared image of Jupiter got compared to a pepperoni pizza, and the year that more big brands joined the ‘Metaverse’ (more on this later…).

A lot happened in the world of social media in 2022, which inevitably has created ongoing and new trends both individuals and businesses have had to adapt to if they want to be seen online.

As you may remember, last year we wrote a blog predicting what would be trending on social media throughout 2022. So let’s take a quick re-cap of these predictions and see if they played out how we expected:

TikTok – To become one of the main social media platforms for both personal and business use.

So it may not be the king of social (Facebook still reigns here with 2.93 billion users in 2022), but there is no denying that TikTok has grown even more throughout the last 12 months. Their short-form video channel has become a popular choice for people to explore and with their constant updates, TikTok has allowed content creators to experiment and get creative.

With a host of new features inspired by other social media channels (TikTok Now, Photo Mode, Stories, Ads, etc), TikTok is certainly trying their best to be THE social network of choice.

Video – Video content to continue as the content of choice viewed by users.

Video has been on the rise for a few years now, and with the likes of TikTok and Instagram Reels proving to be most popular across social media, videos were sure to stay at the top of trends for social media. These ranged from short-form videos used throughout feeds and stories, to long-form content used for the likes of podcasts. Even content creating tools are recognising the importance of video, such as Canva and the new Microsoft Clipchamp video editor.

Bite-sized Content – Keeping content short and snappy to grab a user’s attention.

Whilst bite-sized content is still ranking the most viewed in social media feeds, long-form content still appears to be popular amongst social audiences, especially with the rise of podcasts that are not only available to listen to but can also be watched on the likes of Youtube.

Inclusion & Diversity – Not just for social!

With so many users from around the world now online and using social media, it isn’t just a case of applying inclusion and diversity to a social strategy; it also needs to be a part of a business’ overall ethics. Social platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram have realized the importance of inclusion and have now introduced ‘pronouns’, allowing users to have the choice of setting their pronoun status.

Influencing & Collaborating - Influencers have changed the game for social media marketing.

Businesses of all sizes have been reaping in the benefits of collaboration and seeing a real impact on their ROI. There are a huge number of influencers on social media varying in all sorts of topics, such as fashion, food, tech, etc. However, the main thing to remember when collaborating with an influencer is the connection they have to the topic of choice (this is where some brands can go wrong!). It’s important to note that these collaborations MUST be relatable and are not being used purely for their following.

Roll on 12 months later and we have now said goodbye to 2022. But what trends do we think will be on the rise this year?

Keep an eye out for our next blog as we discuss our predictions for social media trends in 2023.